Aspen Kettle Corn was started by two third grade teachers in 2003. These two childhood friends started Aspen Kettle Corn as a way to make ends meet as educators in Aspen. Their vision: Keep things simple. Have fun. Make unbelieveable popcorn.

What is Aspen Kettle Corn? It is a little sweet, a little salty, and popped with love. Each batch is hand stirred in an open kettle at altitude. We only use four ingredients: Corn, Corn oil, Sugar, and Salt. We only make one product: Kettle Corn.

We set up every weekend at the Aspen Saturday Market. The market runs from the middle of june until the end of October. We also do special events at carter parties throughout the year. Due to high demand from customers around the country we now offer mail order. Please contact us if you would like more information on party favors or special events.